January 1, 2010

Baby is Here!

She's here!!! Finally! 15 days past her due date, Emilia Claire Genevieve was born at home, in the water, under the blue moon, with a lunar eclipse, on New Year's Eve. :)

She weighs 9lbs (!!!) and is 22' long. She is beyond gorgeous!

Mama is doing great...feeling better than I have in weeks! Not a single rip, tear, or bruise - not even sore. I am the luckiest Mama in the world. :)

Pictures are here: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=45755&id=1497146783&l=948b7780de


Jessica Eleven - Consciously Birthing said...

How AWESOME!! ...And how divine of you to let her choose her date of coming and not succumbing to other methods -- hehe. Congrats on your natural labor and birth. Best wishes in 2010!

Jessica Eleven

Georgia O'Connor said...

Thanks, Jessica! What do you think it means to be born on a Blue Moon with a lunar eclipse on New Year's Eve?