December 17, 2008

Article in The Post Star

I just wanted to share this lovely article from The Post Star:

Ghosts of Christmas Past
Stillwater woman to hold event on contacting the dead

Published: Monday, December 15, 2008

Georgia O'Connor doesn't need Jacob Marley to tell her about the chains he forged in life. If she wanted to, she could talk to Bob Marley instead.O'Connor is a medium who lives in Stillwater with her husband Dennis and their three children. She operates a business from her home where she assists the living in communicating with the dead.On Sunday, O'Connor will hold an event called "The Ghosts of Christmas Past" at the Inn at Saratoga Springs. The public is invited, at $50 a head, to try and make a connection with lost loved ones."I'm going to have a 'meet the medium' event, which basically is a two-hour program where I spend the first half talking about what I do and how I do it, things I've learned from the other side ... and then I do questions and answers to let the audience ask whatever they want about life, death and in between," O'Connor said.

The last half-hour of the presentation O'Connor spends communicating with the dead.She believes her work is a comfort to those who have lost loved ones, especially during the holidays.
"It's nice to know that they're still around and that they're celebrating the holidays with us," she said.O'Connor said that she first realized she was different when she was 3 years old but didn't fully come to terms with the idea of talking to the dead until she was in her late 20s."I didn't start seeing it as a gift until I was 28 or 29," she said. "Before then, I really thought that I was kind of crazy and was going to be locked up. Really. If you think about the people walking around on the street who are seeing and hearing people that no one else hears, either they're homeless or they're going to end up in a mental institution. I really thought that I was heading for the same fate."O'Connor said she decided to "come out of the broom closet" after experiencing a 46-hour natural childbirth with her second child. She figured after that, she could endure anything.
"After I had my son, I decided to try it out a little bit," she said. "Just to see if the things that I was hearing and seeing could really be validated."O'Connor assembled a group of volunteers who were blown away by the information that came through from the other side. She said that they were able to validate 90 percent of the messages that she received."That really gave me a lot of confidence," she said. "Finally I thought maybe these are really dead people and not hallucinations."

O'Connor said that she struggled with her gift for a long time because of her Catholic upbringing."There was a lot of inner turmoil that I had to overcome in order to accept it," she said.O'Connor believes that after we die, the body and the spirit disengage. She described the relationship to be like a car where the body is the vehicle and the spirit is the driver."When the car finally gives out, we leave it," she said. "I think of it much like the process of birth -- there's some pain when the body dies, but there's a tunnel and a light at the end of it and a bunch of people standing at the end of it going 'come on! come on!' to welcome us into the new world."She believes that when we cross, we're greeted by the friends and family that went before us. She said that there is no judgment on what is right and what is wrong. Some spirits, she believes, create their own hell by refusing to cross over and live in isolation.

O'Connor said that there are spirits around everyone at all times."Every person has about five to 10 people who stay around them all the time," she said. "Family members, whether you knew them or not, are always around."She said that they are not there to scare us, only to watch over us, comparing there presence to the fabled Jiminy Cricket, who acted as the voice of reason for the puppet Pinocchio.O'Connor can pick up the presence of a spirit visually or audibly. Sometimes it is just a sense that she gets. Often times they show her symbols that she must interpret, which can be frustrating for the medium."There have been times when I'm not sure if the person I'm talking to is living or dead," she said. "I have little tests for myself, like if I close my eyes and still see them. Or if nobody else can see them, I know I'm talking to a dead person."
She said that the majority of her readings involve an apology of some kind."Even if their loved ones have already forgiven them, they still need to come through and talk," she said. "It's been explained to me that we stand in front of a mirror when we first cross, and your whole life is replayed to you and instead of just seeing it happen. You feel the emotions that you made other people feel. It's a huge learning experience. There's no punishment, but it's all about learning and trying to become the most loving being that you can."With the popularity of talk show mediums like Sylvia Brown and John Edwards, people seem to be more open to what O'Connor does, she said. But she still experiences a fair amount of contention."I still face people who are very fearful that I'm talking to demons disguised as their loved ones," she said. "I've had people come to readings only to sit there blessing themselves the whole time and asking me to tell them when the demons show up so that they can pray. I don't even think that there is such a thing as demons, but it's a stretch for some people."It doesn't go along with what they've been taught to expect for a lot of years. But I don't think it goes against any religion because, at the core of every religion, there's life after death. Life continues and it's all love-based, and I really think that that's what the message is."

You've got questions....

Many of you have a million questions about life after death, crossing, the meaning of it all, etc. So here is my offer to you - ask away. Post your questions as a "comment" to this thread. I will choose a question to answer every month or maybe even more frequently if time and babies allow.

I know somebody who knows somebody who knows a lot of stuff.

Peace and love,

The Ghosts of Christmas Past

The Ghosts of Christmas Past
December 21st
The Inn At Saratoga

Tickets and info on my website!

Hope to see you there!

November 20, 2008

The Book!

I am extremely excited about the fact that I have found a ghostwriter for my first book! We have met to discuss how to start, where to start, etc - which in itself is quite a task - and are now ready to begin work on the first chapter.

I really think this will be a wonderful way to "further the work" as my guide says; to get the word out there to as many people as possible. Down with fear, up with love. We can write and write to our hearts content, but if the book does not get published - our words are never heard. We need a publisher. We need someone to say, "Yes! I will publish this book and distribute it!" Often times, writers hire a "literary agent". Much like an actor's agent, they are a go between. They represent us and try to sell our book to a publisher. I have made it to the point of being able to get this book written, now I need to be able to get it published. So....I am in need of


Posting on this blog is what brought me the ghostwriter - and I am now hoping for the same wonderful results!

Let's further the work together. Email me with info, offers, suggestions, or requests!

Peace and love,

September 21, 2008

Day of The Dead

Another Meet The Medium approaches, this one at the Courtyard by Marriott in Saratoga Springs.

November 1st...All Souls Day...Day of the Dead. 7-9pm.

Tickets on my website:

I just wanted to get the word out. I will write, in my next blog, what these feel like for me. A small conference room with between 20 and 100 living people and between 100 - 500 dead people. It's all about the traffic control.....

Peace and love,

September 11, 2008

Call for Volunteers!

I am in need of some help! I have three projects that I am trying to get off the ground and I have come to the absolute conclusion that I cannot do it on my own! That's where you fit in. If you choose to accept your mission, Spookshow Agent 1, your assignment will be as follows:

Project 1: The Support Group
I very much want to have a support group for people who are grieving over the death of their loved ones, but who have also contacted or are interested in contacting their deceased loves ones through a medium. Many of my clients tell me that they have no one to share the mixed emotions of reconnecting with their loved ones with. I want to provide that. I want to provide that free of charge. In order to make this support group accessible to as many people as possible, I would like to do it by teleconference. People would sign up and would be given a telephone number and an access code. At the meeting time (let's say Wednesday evenings at 7pm), those who have signed up would call the telephone number, enter their access code, and be able to talk to all the others who have called in as well. I have the technology to do this, and it is really very simple to do. Since this is going to be free, unfortunately, that also means that we need moderators. If someone calls in for a prank, etc, we need the ability to be able to boot them quickly. And that's where you come in. I am looking for a few people to volunteer to be moderators. You would need to have access to a computer and a telephone. Being a little computer savvy is a plus. That's it! I would prefer to have the same few people that could commit to one night for a few hours a month. Nights can be very flexible! Email me with your suggestions or let me know if you are interested!

Project 2: The Book on Famous Dead People
Great title huh? LOL Dennis and I are embarking on filling a book with the words of famous dead people who pass their messages on through me. We will likely be holding these sessions in the middle of the night after all of the kids are asleep and we have a few quiet moments hopefully a few (or more) times a month. The sessions will be digitally video taped. What we need...someone to transcribe, word for word, these sessions so that they can put into a book. You will sent a copy of the video and you will need to type out what was said and by whom. We could certainly use more than one person for this since this will be a lot of typing. Candidates also need to be willing to watch me in my pajamas with no makeup and my hair a wreck. There is a strong possibility of smeared rice cereal and peas as well. Email me if you are interested!

Project 3: The Book on Me
People ask me at least once a week if they can buy my book. Sure! As soon as I get one, is my reply. I honestly think I could write a book and do a bang up job of it. I honestly know that I will never have the time to do it until I am 87. Maybe 86. :) I am looking for someone who would like to ghost write (fitting, aye?). I am looking for someone who would like to transcribe audio and/or video recordings of readings. I am looking for someone to help me write a dang book. This is a major time commitment - but what a fun trip it will be! Email me!

Thanks for reading this. You know you want to help! This message will self destruct in five, four, three.......


Peace and love,
Georgia the beggar

September 8, 2008

Welcome to my Blog!

Well I have finally sucked it up and decided to find out what this blog thing is all about. I had this impression that blogs were message boards with fancy computer geek names. Opps. Apparently, they are much more like an online journal. I write articles, aka ramblings, and make announcements, etc. You read it and can comment on it if you like. It's pretty nifty. The coolest part is that you can subscribe to it. Click the "subscribe button" to the right and you will receive an email when I make an entry - so you can always stay up to date with what's new! It's free and you can stop it at any time. And if you act now, we'll throw in not one, not two, but THREE power juicer attachments at no extra cost to you! :)

The absolute coolest (albeit a little scary) part of this blog thing is that my husband, Dennis has also created his own blog. (See the link to the right). He is writing about what it's like to live with me, the late night readings that have never been shared with the world, the things I would never tell people about myself, just the general insanties of life married to a medium. It should be VERY interesting!

Anyway...welcome to my new blog world! I hope you stay for a while.

Peace and love,