December 17, 2008

You've got questions....

Many of you have a million questions about life after death, crossing, the meaning of it all, etc. So here is my offer to you - ask away. Post your questions as a "comment" to this thread. I will choose a question to answer every month or maybe even more frequently if time and babies allow.

I know somebody who knows somebody who knows a lot of stuff.

Peace and love,


Allison said...

I know that our loved ones that have crossed over do not care about thier physical posessions that they left behind, but do you think that they appreciate the fact that we hold on to them dearly?

Georgia O'Connor said...

Well, Allison - Congratulations! You get the question of the month! I will be posting the answer seperately. Thanks for asking!

Anonymous said...

Georgia, What do spirits do on the other side. Do they have jobs/assignments?

MaryJanesLoveChild said...

First of all let me say that what a very special gift you have! Quite a blessing indeed. :-)
I have had many strange, yet wonderful things happen to me my entire life but one thing stands out that I can not explain. When I was four years old I saw two demon like creatures standing in my bedroom door. They simply looked at me, then at each other - rolled their eyes as if to say, "I'm not wasting my time here!" And then vanished.
I asked my guide what this was and she said it was dark energy in my house, and in the eyes of a young child this is what I saw. Could this be true? I know there are no REAL demons out there.
Thanks for your time and many loving blessings to you!
