April 4, 2009


I’m sure you have all seen the dozens of TV shows with ghost hunters and paranormal investigators, walking through supposedly haunted buildings, yelling at and threatening spirits, screaming like teenagers in a horror movie, all in an attempt to “help”. They claim to be debunking hauntings, gathering scientific data, and in some instances, exercising demonic creatures with dramatic flair. In my honest opinion, they are doing one thing and only one thing: selling fear.

Hauntings do happen. More often than not, the spirit activity is the direct action of a deceased loved one who is trying to get the attention of the living. There are cases, however, where there are spirits who have chosen not to cross and who are literally haunting a house or a piece of land. In either of these instances, intervention is sometimes necessary.

So, I am forming a paranormal investigation group of my own. I call it SPIRIT: Spirit Phenomena Insight, Research & Intervention Team. While many of the common paranormal investigative practices will remain, the focus will be SPIRIT:

SPIRIT—The focus will remain on the spirits involved—both in & out of body

PHENOMENA—On location in houses, buildings, and lands where several instances of spirit activity have been observed

INSIGHT— we will find out who is actually in the house, be it family or trapped spirits, why they are there, and what they want. We will do this by simply talking to them.

RESEARCH— EMF meters, photographs, EVPs, temperatue changes, etc will be monitored as well as location history

INTERVENTION— This is the important part in my view. We will pass on the messages from the spirits involved, assist in conflict resolution, and when necessary, counsel any uncrossed spirits into the light. We will help the in body inhabitants to understand, without fear, what is happening and why.

TEAM—Here’s where you come in. I can handle the talking to the spooks part, but am in need of paranormal investigators. We need people to take photos, capture EVPs, take EMF readings, research buildings and homesites, interview prospective clients, etc. Expereince is preferable but not necessary!

If you want to join in or share your thoughts, join the blog discussion or send me an email!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi sweetie, how are you doing? I haven't spoken to you in quite awhile, I hope all is well. I would love to help you with your team, please call me. I do have some of my own equipment too. Hope to hear back from you soon.

Love, Light and many Blessings being sent your way...
