September 11, 2008

Call for Volunteers!

I am in need of some help! I have three projects that I am trying to get off the ground and I have come to the absolute conclusion that I cannot do it on my own! That's where you fit in. If you choose to accept your mission, Spookshow Agent 1, your assignment will be as follows:

Project 1: The Support Group
I very much want to have a support group for people who are grieving over the death of their loved ones, but who have also contacted or are interested in contacting their deceased loves ones through a medium. Many of my clients tell me that they have no one to share the mixed emotions of reconnecting with their loved ones with. I want to provide that. I want to provide that free of charge. In order to make this support group accessible to as many people as possible, I would like to do it by teleconference. People would sign up and would be given a telephone number and an access code. At the meeting time (let's say Wednesday evenings at 7pm), those who have signed up would call the telephone number, enter their access code, and be able to talk to all the others who have called in as well. I have the technology to do this, and it is really very simple to do. Since this is going to be free, unfortunately, that also means that we need moderators. If someone calls in for a prank, etc, we need the ability to be able to boot them quickly. And that's where you come in. I am looking for a few people to volunteer to be moderators. You would need to have access to a computer and a telephone. Being a little computer savvy is a plus. That's it! I would prefer to have the same few people that could commit to one night for a few hours a month. Nights can be very flexible! Email me with your suggestions or let me know if you are interested!

Project 2: The Book on Famous Dead People
Great title huh? LOL Dennis and I are embarking on filling a book with the words of famous dead people who pass their messages on through me. We will likely be holding these sessions in the middle of the night after all of the kids are asleep and we have a few quiet moments hopefully a few (or more) times a month. The sessions will be digitally video taped. What we need...someone to transcribe, word for word, these sessions so that they can put into a book. You will sent a copy of the video and you will need to type out what was said and by whom. We could certainly use more than one person for this since this will be a lot of typing. Candidates also need to be willing to watch me in my pajamas with no makeup and my hair a wreck. There is a strong possibility of smeared rice cereal and peas as well. Email me if you are interested!

Project 3: The Book on Me
People ask me at least once a week if they can buy my book. Sure! As soon as I get one, is my reply. I honestly think I could write a book and do a bang up job of it. I honestly know that I will never have the time to do it until I am 87. Maybe 86. :) I am looking for someone who would like to ghost write (fitting, aye?). I am looking for someone who would like to transcribe audio and/or video recordings of readings. I am looking for someone to help me write a dang book. This is a major time commitment - but what a fun trip it will be! Email me!

Thanks for reading this. You know you want to help! This message will self destruct in five, four, three.......


Peace and love,
Georgia the beggar


Anonymous said...

Has no one responded?

Georgia O'Connor said...

Wow! I need to thank all of you for such a great response! I have had offers for all three projects! I am really overwhelmed - in a very good, happy way!

Tonight, I am working on the support group and will likely have it up and running before the end of November and possibly even sooner. For those of you who have volunteered to moderate - expect an email in a few days!

For those of you who have volunteered to transcribe...ready your fingers! I am getting all of the recorded readings together and will be sending them out soon.

I am meeting with someone next week who is interested in ghost writing the book!

Everything is coming together in an amazing way! I'll keep you updated!


Peace and love,

Sarah Puckett-writer, supporter said...

I will totally help write if you still need help..Sarah Puckett..Remember that not so haunted slaughter house in TX.