September 8, 2008

Welcome to my Blog!

Well I have finally sucked it up and decided to find out what this blog thing is all about. I had this impression that blogs were message boards with fancy computer geek names. Opps. Apparently, they are much more like an online journal. I write articles, aka ramblings, and make announcements, etc. You read it and can comment on it if you like. It's pretty nifty. The coolest part is that you can subscribe to it. Click the "subscribe button" to the right and you will receive an email when I make an entry - so you can always stay up to date with what's new! It's free and you can stop it at any time. And if you act now, we'll throw in not one, not two, but THREE power juicer attachments at no extra cost to you! :)

The absolute coolest (albeit a little scary) part of this blog thing is that my husband, Dennis has also created his own blog. (See the link to the right). He is writing about what it's like to live with me, the late night readings that have never been shared with the world, the things I would never tell people about myself, just the general insanties of life married to a medium. It should be VERY interesting!

Anyway...welcome to my new blog world! I hope you stay for a while.

Peace and love,


Anonymous said...

Hi Georgia, welcome to blogland! Just wanted to introduce myself and wish you lots of happy blogging!

Crystal Jigsaw x

Anonymous said...

Has anyone left feeling stupid and depressed after not being able to validate any of the things a loved one shared in a reading?

Georgia O'Connor said...

Dear Anonymous -

I want to address your question as thoroughly and honestly as I can.

I recently had a couple come to me for a reading. They had several family members come through, one of whom, was their son. It had been a fairly recent death, a few years or less, and they were obviously very anxious to talk to him. He came through fairly well for me - giving them dates, names, cause of death, as well as some very personal validations. What makes this reading stand out for me was the mother's responses to the messages from her son. She would validate that the information was true, but then she would ask, " do I know it's my son?" He gave the name of his brother and what they do together. Her response, "well yes, but how do I know it's my son? I don't know it's him." No matter how much information he gave her, no matter how many details he tried to validate - her response stayed the same. "Yes, do I know it's him?" There is a huge difference between validation and acceptance.

She left here unhappy with the results. What I graple with is why? Why would she ask and yet not hear? Is her grief too strong, too fast, too consuming that it prevents her from hearing what was said to her? Is it fear that prevents her from allowing the information to sink in? Is it perhaps that she cannot accept the information anymore than she accept his death at this point? My gut leads me to the latter, but I honestly don't know. In this case, it wasn't a matter of being able to validate the things that her loved one came through with, it was more an issue of her not being willing to accept it.

A few years ago, I had a woman come to me for a reading. Her deceased son came in to speak with her and was simply amazing in his information. He was clear, concise, and very accurate. She left in awe of what had just occured. She came back a few months later and had another wonderful conversation with her son. Again, he was as clear as a bell. While there were a few things that she needed to validate later - a good 95% of what he said made perfect sense to her. She had no doubt that she was indeed speaking to her son, Jake. (Not his real name.)A young man came to me for a reading a few months later. His deceased brother came in to talk, and I recognized him as Jake - the dead boy who had been such a breeze to communicate with for his mother. This time however, he came in and gave a barrage of information and details that were not making any sense at all to my client. He had validated his relation, his cause of death, and a few private details. The rest of the information however, was not "clicking". There were even instances where my client was trying to stretch the information coming in, he was trying to make it "fit". I had to insist however, that his interpretation was not correct, and stay true to the information that Jake was insistent on. I was extremely confused by this and repeatedly queried Jake as to why he was being so difficult. Why he wasn't giving mind blowing information to his brother. I knew he was capabale, I had spoken with him twice before and knew how strong he was and how clear he could be. Instead, he spoke in riddles - in games of charades. It drove me crazy and it did not endear his brother to me at all. The brother left my office puzzled, disappointed, and unsure of what to think. He likely felt stupid and very possibly depressed as well. He wanted to think it was his brother - but why all the weird information and the puzzles?

After he left, I asked my guides what the hell that was about! I was more than a little irritated. The answer that I received was this: "He received the information in the exact and precise way that he needed to. If everything was handed to him, perfect and clean, he would believe that you were given the information by the living, that you were prepped, that you had researched or investigated him. The validations will come, but they will come slowly and by his own discovery. It is how he needed to hear it." And so, as time went by, the young man did come to hear what was said, he did come to understand the messages that came through to him. He came to see me again, almost a year later and went through, point by point, verifying everything that Jake had said. Many of the items that were given to him in the initial reading were items of information that were very true, but were unknown to him at the time. (The dead often do this to prove that I am not reading your mind.)Other things that Jake had validated had yet to occur at the time of the initial reading, but had by the 2nd. Other items simply took time to find (such as the crumpled up note in the top drawer of his desk left for his brother.) He was able to move past the initial shock of everything not being what he expected it to be during his reading and discover the wonderful validations that were there.

Jake, by the way, continues to be amazingly strong and also amazingly clear in the way that HE wants to be, no matter what the wishes are of my clients. When he has refused to answer simple questions that I know he is quite capable of answering and I have asked him why, his response has been simple. "We are not circus performers and we do not jump through hoops."

I hope that these stories help to answer your question.

My best to you,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your helpful response to anonymous. I am still desparetaly hoping for some validation of my son's reading. I've talked to relatives, driven around town, gone through all my old photos - but can confirm nothing yet that isn't readily available on the Internet if you search for my relatives in my area. I appreciate that you sent us a CD of reading. I have listened to it several times, again in hopes to find something I can cling to. I am totally accepting of my son's death and firmly believe in his peaceful passage. I get messages from him every day and talk to him incessantly. None of the messages were anything he confirmed or even hinted at in the reading, but that doesn't stop me from believing in them. As my son was disabled, I have no idea what or who was important to him on earth - but the people and things he obsessed with and spend his daily life with did not come through in his readings - instead it was relatives that he barely knew or one's that are plastered online (namely teenagers). He said in the reading that I send him kisses daily - but I do not. He said my moms talks to him all the time in her house but she said she doesn't. I am heartbroken either way. Would I try this again - in a heartbeat. Am I being stubborn, I don't think so. Do I pray each day for something he said to be validated - absolutely!!!

Anonymous said...

My four friends recently went to have readigs with you and they all left in amazement of your abilities. All had lost a child and three of the four had their children visit them in the reading - what a precious gift that you share.