Allison asked: "I know that our loved ones that have crossed over do not care about thier physical posessions that they left behind, but do you think that they appreciate the fact that we hold on to them dearly?"
Spirits, in or out of body, are unique individuals. Our reactions, our priorities, our desires, our concerns are very personal and unique to each of us.
There are some who come through and are very specific about their possessions- they want their daughter to get the ring, they want their son living in their house, they are worried that their favorite collection of potatoes that look like politicians is being mistreated, etc. Are they truly concerned about their watch or their ring? More than likely not. They ackowledge such items, as a testiment of who they are. They represent the same personality that they had when they were in body. If they were obsessed with their chicken collection when they were in body - they are going to come through acting the same way - so you can recognize them, so you are sure it is them. Others come through acting as though they couldn't care less about their home or their belongings. Again, that is more than likely just a validation of who they were while they were in body.
As for possessions that we hold on to dearly; they all appreciate us thinking of them, talking to them, and loving them. I honestly don't think my grandmother cares if I hold a locket she gave me or a rock that I found in the driveway - as long as I am remembering who she was and appreciating who she is now.
I hope that answers your question!
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